Atlanta Posed Newborn Photography: Cale
Enjoy this gorgeous dark + moody newborn session as we read through your latest milestone.
You’re 32 wks pregnant- yay! Here is a checklist of what’s next :) Click on an item name to purchase

Your uterus is a muscle. RRL is used to strengthen your uterus through encouraging mild contracting. But don’t worry!! You can NOT feel it and it’s not enough to put you in to labor! You can listen to a podcast about the powers of RRL here. Or you can read more about it here.
Here is the bag I recommend since it can be used during and after pregnancy. And with over 75,000 reviews, it seems everyone else agrees.

You actually won’t start ingesting this incredibly magical snack until 36 wks. You’ll want to purchase them soon so that you can start on time :) You can read all about the power of dates here. Don’t like the taste/texture? You have got to try these amazing muffins made with dates. This recipe also happens to be gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, vegan, and paleo friendly!

For something that is supposed to come incredibly natural to parents, breastfeeding is one of the more difficult aspects of new parenthood. If you choose to breastfeed, preparation is imperative. Like, are you aware you shouldn’t be using soap on your nipples!? This and more covered in this comprehensive class.

Bottle Feeding
Fed is Best! Skipping the breast and choosing to feed your baby with a bottle? You have work to do too! Start researching which bottles you are going to invest in. A really great tip is holding off on investing a lot of money in a system and instead narrowing down your preferences to 3. Now ask friends/family if they have a few bottles from this system to try out before making the full purchase. Babies are particular and it’s a surprise when they refuse certain bottle systems/nipples. You also need to research formula options.

Contact your insurance company
Most insurances now give out free breast pumps for expecting parents. You’ll also want to contact them to figure out how to add your baby to your insurance plan once born.

Start considering daycare, nanny share, or begin budgeting to stay at home.
Are you returning to work after maternity leave? At least once a month, I get a text from a client asking me if I “know someone” who can watch their baby when they return back to work. They will then giggle that they have obviously waited until the last minute. Y’all. Day cares often have a waitlist. Or you may find that interviewing nannies to find the perfect fit is taking longer than expected.

If you haven’t already established a relationship with a chiropractor, you will want to start that now. Chiropractic adjustments are one of the most beneficial steps you can take to an easier birth. I can aid during the birth, but you will want baby in an optimal position long before birthing day. There is also the perk that you may be able to show up at your Chiro’s office in early labor.

Begin to research your Birth/Baby Care Plan
I did a full post on this here. Here are some things you should be deciding on:
Routine Infant Circumcision, Vaccinations, Baby bath, Delayed cord clamping, Vitamin K Shot, Erythromycin eye ointment,

If you are thinking about getting maternity photos done- now until about 37 wks is the best time. Be thinking about what you are wanting to wear and what type of photos you are wanting. Underwater? Flowers? Foliage? Mountains? If you decide to hire me, birth clients get a $200 discount if you schedule your shoot the day of our pre-baby meeting. Reach out to me for more information.

Boundaries and Parental Agreements
Nobody wants to talk/think about this, but as a doula, I sometimes feel like I act just as much as a therapist. While you may be thinking that finishing up the nursery is pressing, instead take your next date night to discuss expectations and boundaries around parenting. Conversation starters here.

Baby Moon
A Babymoon is like a honeymoon, but a trip you take as a couple to reconnect prior to adding a newborn to the mix. Most OBs ask that parents stop travel after 36 wks. So now is a great time to schedule a Babymoon. Most parents agree that the first few wks of a newborn is the hardest, so it’s important to solidify the relationship and work through issues now. l can promise you that they will be amplified when you are functioning on very little sleep.