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Tips for Documenting Your Pregnancy, even without an Atlanta maternity photographer.
“Life is not made up of the breaths we take… But of the moments that take our breath away.” unknown
All of my children have a pregnancy album of sorts filled with ultrasound photos, journaling, weight gain facts, and the infamous belly-growing photos.
When needing ideas for documenting my pregnancies, I used my mother as inspiration. What do I want to know about when she was pregnant with me? What steps did she take to prepare for my arrival? How did she emotionally feel being pregnant with me? What did she look like; what did she wear? I’m sure my children will have the same questions about when I was pregnant with them. These moments are timeless. An added bonus for me is I like to refer back to my old books to compare each pregnancy. How are you planning on documenting your pregnancy?
The point is not to be overwhelmed by documenting your pregnancy. Any snippet of information will be a blessing to your child(ren).
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Here are 15 ideas to get you started documenting your pregnancy.

We’re Pregnant! “Things are gonna start changin’ around here.”
- Photo: Photograph the positive reading on the home pregnancy test or your tears of joy.
- Journaling Idea: Were you surprised? Excited? Nervous?
Start Spreading the News! Document how you told your friends and family about the big news.
- Photo: Photograph their reactions as they happen, or re-enact the announcement for a photograph.
- Journaling: In their own words, how did your family and friends react?
Your Cravings. “Give me the candy and nobody gets hurt!”
- Photo: I have a photo of myself curled up on the coach with a bowl of ice cream. It’s not flattering, but it’s me!
- Journaling: List your cravings and how they change over time.

Puttin’ on the Ritz. Don’t forget your maternity wardrobe!
- Photo: Modeling your favorite attire, of course!
- Journaling: Can’t live without your drawstring pants? Journal now, laugh about it later.
A Pickle for Your Thoughts. How do you really feel about your pregnancy?
- Photo: Include a side shot of you looking down at your tummy.
- Journaling: How do you feel about labor and delivery? How do you feel about being a mother?
Your Partner. Hey, they had something to do with the pregnancy.
- Photo: Photograph your partner snuggling close to your belly.
- Journaling: How does everyone feel? Let them do the journaling, in their own words. If they are not comfortable with that, interview them.

It’s Raining Gifts, Hallelujah! Your baby shower is a great way to show the excitement surrounding your pregnancy.
- Photo: If possible, have your partner stop in to take a group shot or set your camera on a timer to capture the event.
- Journaling: Don’t just journal about gifts and games. How did your friends and family encourage you? What was the biggest blessing?

A Place of their Own. The baby’s nursery is their own part of the world. If your baby shares a room with another sibling, photograph the baby’s area. I have a photo of my nursery from 1980 and it is priceless to me.
- Photo: Besides photographing the entire room, zoom into the details that make it special.
- Journaling: What steps were taken to create this special place?

The Naming Game. This process is about as meticulous as deciding to have a baby in the first place.
- Photo: Take a photo of you or your partner hiding behind the baby name book.
- Journaling: Write about baby names of course. What did you like? What did Daddy like? What made the cut and why? Family names, anyone?
Under Construction. The ultrasound photos are the very first baby photos.
- Photo: Ultrasound photographs deteriorate quickly, so I recommend transferring them onto photo paper.
- Journaling: What was the heart rate? How many weeks pregnant are you? Did they change your due date?

Everything Grows with Love. Your expanding waistline is one of the things that changes the most over the length of a pregnancy.
- Photo: Sit or stand sideways monthly to show a progression of your tummy.
- Journaling: Journal your weight gain each doctor visit.

The Baby’s Siblings. A new baby is a big change for you, but can be even harder for the baby’s siblings to adapt to the idea.
- Photo: Take some photos of your other children all looking at your tummy.
- Journaling: What steps did you take to prepare them for the new arrival? What are their thoughts about the baby?

Your Birth Plan. Did you take Bradley classes or read a how-to book? What is your plan for labor and delivery?
- Photo: Have a classmate photograph you and your birthing instructor after class.
- Journaling: Journal your birth plan and print an extra copy for the hospital and your OBGYN.
Advice. Everyone has it. Everyone gives it. Not everyone loves it.
- Photo: Take a picture of you and the person who gave the worst/best advice.
- Journaling: Journal your top 10 best/worst advice.
Letter to your Baby. Dedicate your book to your baby, or just write a simple note.
- Photo: Your favorite pregnancy or ultrasound photo.
- Journaling: Have your partner write a letter too.

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