Atlanta Birth Doula + Photographer : Gemma

Atlanta Birth Doula + Photographer

North Fulton Hospital Waterbirth

Providence Midwifery, Ashley Saint, CNM

Maegan Hall Photography // The Birth Story of Gemma from Focal Blu Films on Vimeo.

Gemma was born at almost 42 wks, so she’s a beautiful, plump baby! I have big babies myself and I love to photograph them! SO squishy! Scroll down on some great educational resources to help you accomplish your dream birth.

As an Atlanta Birth Doula, I often get asked about what childbirth classes or books I recommend. Being a doula for almost 20 years, I’m quite familiar with what is available. Here are my recommendations and links.

Childbirth Education Classes I Recommend

Favorite Virtual, Self Paced and Overall Recommended class: Hypnobabies

We used to have several Hypnobabies instructors in the area, but currently your only option is their self-paced study at home. Hypnobabies has worked wonders for my clients and there is a very high success rate using their program if the parents have been practicing. Have you ever arrived at a destination and not really remembered the drive there? It most commonly happens when driving to work. This program uses that skill of your body being on autopilot.

More details about the class: This curriculum is perfect for moms who tend to be (or want to be) more quiet during moments of discomfort. If you have a headache, do you complain about it or hide away in your room? This encourages a more peaceful approach. This method can be supported by a partner, or the birthing parent can completely utilize the practiced techniques by themselves. Should your partner want to participate, this curriculum even offers “scripts” to teach your partner the perfect ways to guide, encourage and speak to you.

2nd Favorite Virtual, Self Paced Class: Mama Natural

This class comes highly recommended from my doula colleagues and their clients. I’ve had a few moms use this program over the years and their birth was just lovely!

In person, local classes: Text me and let’s discuss!

Live class taught by an instructor: The Bradley Method

This class series is extremely comprehensive and perfect for first time parents. I took this class myself and it helped me to accomplish an unmedicated birth. My favorite teacher is Annette with WombWise.

More details about this class: This class is heavily partner focused. They want your partner to be your super coach! The partner leads, guides, instructs.

Childbirth Education Books I Recommend

Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way: Revised Edition

This book is incredible. There are phenomenal illustrations, prenatal exercises, and guided imagery practice.

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

Just keeping it real: This book is highly controversial. It is SO loved by many women, and despised by others. Many women swear this book changed their views on themselves and childbirth. Other women say that Ina May lacks integrity, and is filled with disrespect, so they choose not to read her material.

Supernatural Childbirth

This book has been recommended to me by my Christian clients. They have described it as “encouraging and powerful.”

Hypnobirthing: A Natural Approach To A Safe, Easier, More Comfortable Birthing

This book is a general introduction to Hypnobirthing. Hypnobabies (linked above) is a form of Hypnobirthing, but they are not the same. Hypnobabies goes in to more detail and offers more techniques. This book is just a foundation to build on.

Other Childbirth Education Options

Christian Hypnobirthing App

I had one mom who didn’t take a single childbirth class, but she was able to calmly and quietly birth her baby using only this app. It is totally Christian based. So if you practice a different faith, or prefer something neutral, Hypnobabies has tracks you can download!

YouTube (Click below)

Built to Birth Affirmation Meditations

Using A Birth Ball During Pregnancy

Understanding the Cervix During Birth

Miles Circuit

This is imperative for ALL birthing parents to learn and practice.

Spinning Babies

Who doesn’t want a decently quick + easy birth?? First steps are chiropractic care and Spinning Babies techniques! The website has so many great resources for parents. Click the link and dig around!

I’ll continue to revise this post as we discover more resources!

Having a baby? Have questions about North Fulton water birth and/or hiring an Atlanta birth photographer and doula? Use the contact form above and contact me! I only take 1-3 clients a month and book up quickly.

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Atlanta Birth Doula + Photography Woodstock, GA
