Atlanta Birth Photographer + Doula
Roswell, GA Birth Doula
Rebecca is a wedding photographer and first time mom.
She had lined up a different birth photographer (her wedding photography business partner, Leigh), but Leigh was out of town, so I was her back up! Yay! Rebecca was my photographer for my wedding anniversary party, so I’ve known her for a few years now. Rebecca’s doula was her sister, Kim and her home birth midwife was Carlene.
Smiling in between contractions, joyfully awaiting her daughter’s birth.
Sometimes in a water birth, the warm water can stall labor, so the mom has to get out and get labor going again. Literally, every time Rebecca stood up, she would get a huge contraction.
Her husband Phil never left her side. Rebecca did a combination of Hypnobirthing and the Bradley method techniques, but the thing she loved the most was her husband by her side and counter pressure on her lower back.
Why home birth is so beautiful, sacred, natural and personal. The room was literally pitch black, lit with only a candle. Grateful for nice camera equipment and the understanding of how to use it without a harsh flash. I love bounced flash in birth photography now and then, but it totally would’ve changed the birth “story” being told right here.
The ever-changing movements, feelings, reactions and restful moments of a drug-free laboring woman. I love how her midwife was there holding her hand, but trusted Rebecca and her husband to labor on their own.
Here is an example of what the difference is between bounced flash and no flash. I always take both so the client can choose what she likes best, but I feel that no flash can really set the tone/mood for what the labor was really like. And it was really dark in her labor room. I love the natural light and the shadows/highlights it casts. What is bounced flash? It’s when I make the light hit the ceiling for overall luminance, not a bright FLASH of light in your face.
The glorious moment when all your hard work has paid off and you meet your baby. There’s nothing like it. The pain of childbirth immediately dissipates.
This is a perfect example of WHY HIRE A BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHER! Mom is being cared for by the midwife and Dad is having his first few precious moments of getting to know his new baby girl.
The many happenings of a home birth midwife!